Saturday, March 12, 2011

Raising Awareness About Japan/How You Can Help

An 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Northeastern Japan on Friday as a result triggered a tsunami. Aftershocks continued on Saturday, two at 6.1 and 6.4 magnitude (source: . I am sure most of you have heard about this disaster on the news. If not CNN is broadcasting about the disaster and has information about it on their website. Over 900 people have been killed and an estimated 700 are still missing (source: Many have lost their homes, vehicles, and basically every thing dear to them. Roads, trains, and cell phone towers have been taken out. In addition they are also experiencing Internet blackouts. For those of you who would like to know how you could help here is a link: This link will take you to and offers several different organizations you can donate money to. You can donate online or via text message. I personally donated to Global Giving. For more information about this disaster and what others are doing to help you can visit or

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