Sunday, June 27, 2010

Topic to Topic

9 to 5? Is this a typical work schedule? I think it may have been the typical work schedule before the mid-1990s. Since then everyone seems to have a more complex work schedule including myself.

Deadline… June 30 is the deadline for a short story contest I hope to enter. However, I am unsure if I will be able to follow through (Lately I have been procrastinating). In addition I am unsure if I truly want to enter the contest. The contest has a $20 reading fee for each story; which does not seem worth paying $20 to be told my writing is terrible.

Soap Opera… Why does it seem that most work environments are similar to soap operas? It was always my conclusion that once high school was over all the drama would be as well. Regrettably I was wrong. Work has become high school. Most of the workers are incredibly sweet to your face and then speak cruelly about you to others. I suspect this is the case because I mostly work with women. I have noticed work atmospheres that have more women than men on staff tend to have more drama. Work atmospheres that have more men on staff than women tend to have a sexual environment. You cannot win for losing.

Également… I have mentioned my friend, Également, many times in my blog. She has a blog of her own if any of you are interested:

A Vase… About a week ago I attempted to make a vase out of clay. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful. The vase was supposed to wave at the opening. Instead of having a wave it kept breaking. Thus leading to my frustration and the destruction of the vase. I suppose sometime in the near future I will make another attempt.

Sundays… Sundays is one of the most dreaded days of the week for me. Why? Because it is a countdown to Monday and once Monday begins it does not end until 9:00pm Friday night. This is a never-ending cycle every week.

Miss Gold Digger… A Korean romantic comedy I watched a few weeks ago. I found it a very entertaining, thrilling, and amusing movie. I presume she is somewhat a gold digger, but one her decisions is not necessarily in the gold digger category. The movie was quite enjoyable. However, I would have liked for the ending to be somewhat different.

Nails… At the moment I am no longer having acrylic or gel nails applied. Money is running low and I have decided to take a break until further notice. Although when I am able to have them applied again. I will definitely try 3D nail art! Very excited about this decision; however, to have 3D nail art I will have to go to a new nail shop. Sadly my usual nail shop does not offer 3D nail art.

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