Saturday, October 9, 2010


Apple Cider… I tried this drink for the first time this week. The box was next to the teas in the grocery store and was only one dollar. So I thought to myself, “Why Not?” Interesting drink… To me it tastes similar to a sour apple candy in liquid form; which is not necessarily a bad thing. However I would say it was not my favorite flavor. On the back of the box it has recipes that require apple cider. Maybe one of those will be suit my taste.

Photo from:

No Money equals Weight Gain… Today I stepped onto the scale and the numbers I read shocked me! I gained 2 kg (5 lbs)! Lately I haven’t been able to buy groceries and cook for the diet I am on. *Fingers crossed that my e-book will sell*

Breakout… As of late my skin has been breaking out! I do not understand it! I have been exfoliating everyday! I once used Proactive and it worked very well but I could not continue to spare FIFTY dollars a month on skincare! That is almost a month’s worth of groceries! I suppose I could probably increase the amount of egg masks I use.

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