Saturday, October 30, 2010

Party America

Thursday was one of the worst days I have had this week. I take back what I said about hating work less. I hate it now more than ever before! It has become a hostile work environment! However since my supervisor has a permanent position and I unfortunately have a flex position I am at fault. They would rather send me away than the one who is not only making my life hell, but my coworkers’ as well. I understand you cannot pay bills without a job. However this chimpanzee makes me WANT to quit no matter what the cost!

Costumes… This year for Halloween I decided to be a hippie. Good idea, Yes? No! Absolutely no one had any hippie costumes in stock! Thursday I finally went to Party America and found a few peace sign necklaces. I then decided to improvise with items I already owned. The peace sign necklaces would complete the ensemble. When I arrive at the cash register I cannot find the 20-dollar bill that I had thought I had in my purse nor can I find my debit card. Therefore I had to apologize to the cashier explaining I could not purchase the item since I could not find my debit card. As I walked out of the store walking towards my car I thought to myself (sarcastically) ‘Of course I would not be able to buy the only hippie item I could find in the city’. I felt more and more depressed with each step towards the car (I had a really bad day at work and it seemed as though the day was only becoming worse).

I open the car door and suddenly I hear this guy yelling at me, “Hey! Hey! Do you really want it?” I turn around and see the cashier. I reply, “Yes but I cannot find my debit card.” He replies, “It is only $2.71 I can cover it.” I felt confused. Why would he pay for it? “Really?” I ask. “Yeah it is no problem,” he replies. I walk back into the store and he pays for it. I tell him, “ Thank you so much!” As I walk out of the store the second time towards my car I think what a nice gentleman he was to pay for a complete stranger’s item. I then began to ponder why he would do such a nice thing? Antoinette said it was because he thought I was pretty. Which could not possibly be the reason since it was the end of a workday and I had not made a single touch up to my make-up. My hair was frizzy and I had absolutely no eye make-up on. In addition I knew I had an expression of irritation the first time he looked at me (It was a VERY bad day). So why would he do something so nice? I have every intention of repaying the favor! Thank You Gentleman from Party America!

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