Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I emailed my query letter to two literary agents and both replied with a message of rejection. Although I will say that the rejections were not too terrible. The reason for the first rejection was that my story seemed to not match his genre; however, he urged me to continue sending the query letter out. He also urged me to query him again if I were to write something in his genre. The second rejection was not willing to develop new talent; which I understand. In spite of these rejections I fully intend to send my query letter out again. *Fingers Crossed*

Work Blues…Someone please explain something to me about leave slips. Should an individual be approved for leave for a “Personal Day” or “Mental Health Day”; meanwhile, another individual is denied leave for a wedding? Especially when the “Mental Health Day” individual receives leave with pay and the other receives leave without pay? Just ranting…

Trapped… A few months ago a coworker confessed to me that she felt trapped. She further explained saying that she had applied for a great number of many different positions. Unfortunately no one wanted to hire her. She continued by saying that she hated her job, but again felt that she could not do anything about it. At the time I also hated (and currently still hate) my job, but did not share the same feeling of being trapped. However now I entirely agree with her! I have applied for many positions and all have denied me worthy of the position. I feel that I am a bird trapped in a cage. No matter how long, how loud, or how many times I shriek to be released the cage is never opened. A wild bird trapped stops fighting if you keep it caged long enough. I hope to never stop fighting.

Finger… My finger is still wrapped in gauze and a splint. How long until the gauze and splint will be removed? I am not sure. The only instructions I received where to redress it daily and wash with soapy water. Which is understandable since it is Finger Avulsion (For those of you who don’t know Finger Avulsion is loss of the tip of the finger). Gruesome, I know but the doctor did say that it would grow back.

Broke… Antoinette had mentioned recently that she and I both were trying to find ways to make more money (100% true). We recently took a trip to Panama City Beach (two of our friends were marrying each other). We barely had any money for that! We both were broke so we ended up staying at Knight's Inn ( it was fifty-five dollars a night). What was the quality of the hotel? The (mini) refrigerator had a foul smell every time the door was opened. The tub/shower had cracks around the top and what looked similar to mildew to stand in. Behind the stand the television was on we found a shirt and few beer bottle caps. The room also had a foul smell of mildew paired with cigarette smoke. The smell was so foul we went Wal-Mart and Antoinette bought a vanilla scented plug in! In addition the elevator was so old that we made a point to only use it if we needed to (To carry luggage to and from our hotel room was the ONLY time we used the elevator!). Instead we used the stairs! There are countless other horrors we encountered there that I have not named. Let me go onto saying that we had paid for two nights and on the second night we left because we did not want to spend another night in that hotel.

Also if you would like to read Antoinette's blog here is the link: http://notreallyantoinette.blogspot.com/

In addition please feel free to leave comments! I will do my best to reply to all!

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