Sunday, July 4, 2010


So this week was horrendous. Everything seemed to go wrong. The only explanation that I have is: one thing after another seemed to build up to an explosion of chaos. I have been composing budgets for the next several paychecks. I must say that it is quite depressing to see that the money would disappear as swiftly as it arrives. Apparently that is how life works.

Dress Cutesy… Lately all things that are cutesy have exceedingly intrigued me. I even bought a pair of Hello Kitty earrings. Yes I admit that the purchase was not thought through since I cannot wear them to work. In addition I bought a pair of black opaque stockings; which are incredibly cute. Antoinette tells me I look similar to a little girl when I wear them. It matters not to me I still think they are exceedingly cute! Moreover lately I have been researching color contact lenses. Unfortunately I have not worn contacts before but I am willing to try them. The color I would categorize my eyes in would be Bluish-Green. Though I think with the circle lenses I am going to order the Golden-Blue lenses.

Angel Beats… Recently I listened to the Song: My Soul Your Beats/Brave Song. Upon listening to this song I loved it. Then realized it was a theme song to an anime series entitled Angel Beats. Before deciding on whether or not I should watch an episode I decided to read about it. Researching information about the series I found that it was about the afterlife. It has very unique and intriguing take on the afterlife. Episode 1, 2, and 3 are the only episodes I have watched so far. Thus far I find it quite enjoyable.

The Last Airbender… This past week I watched The Last Airbender with Antoinette. I have only watched a couple episodes of anime series Avatar (The Last Airbender is the live action movie of the series Avatar). Upon watching the trailer for The Last Airbender I had high hopes that it would be an incredible movie. Sadly that was not how it played out. It had the means to be grand. However the acting, writing, and action scenes were very disappointing. Those disappointing key aspects basically ruined the movie for me.

My Playlist…There is a small pink playlist on the right side of my blog. Starting next week I have decided to have a new set of songs. I think that I will start changing them every week.

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