Sunday, July 25, 2010


Another terrible week at work; consequently it is a never-ending cycle. Every week it is a countdown until Friday. Not only for me but everyone I know. It appears that all my coworkers are miserable in their jobs. I understand that we do what we must to get by but it seems incredibly sad when you think about it.

Eye Doctor… Yes I visited the optometrist yesterday. I currently do not wear glasses or contacts because I think (thought) my vision is fine. Thinking what I saw was what everyone else saw. Consequently it was not. The doctor could not believe that I had not noticed that I am almost blind. Apparently I have astigmatism in both eyes and terrible vision. Thus I ordered a pair of glasses that should be coming in soon. They are Candies black with flowers on the sides. Also the doctor had to dilate my pupils and paralyze my eyes for certain tests. The effects lasted for 6 hours. During this time I felt completely worthless since everything seemed to be fuzzy and any bright lights felt as though they were blinding me. Leaving me unable to complete certain tasks I had to do that day. In addition the doctor thought it would be best to only purchase the glasses that day and wait six months before purchasing the contacts. I suppose I will follow up on Thursday to tell him that I want the contact examination as well.

New Diet… Lately I have not talked about weight loss. Well I have not been very strong in that area as of late. Fortunately I have a plan! Next week (aka Tomorrow) I am starting a new diet! The diet is pretty strict Monday through Friday and on Saturday and Sunday I can have a freebie (although it must be very small, Example: A small sugar free yogurt without toppings in vanilla). Hopefully it will be very effective.

Dollar Tree… Tomorrow I suppose that I will go to the Dollar Tree (for those of you that do not know everything in this store is a dollar) For me it is fun sometimes shop at this store and see what I can find. I might have reviews later (key word is Might).

Query Letter… I discovered that I would need to send my possible literary agent a query letter before I send him or her my proposal. I am currently trying to write it, but I read an article that said I needed to tell the literary agent that I am the best person to write this novel. How would I do that? By telling the literary agent my credentials qualifying me as the best candidate to write this novel. To be honest I do not have the credentials. However I do have the creativity and dedication to be a great author. Yet still I am having writers block.

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