Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blah Blah

Blah Blah I loathe work Blah Blah, now you do not have to read about me whining about work. Now we can move on.

Dieting… So I started a new diet this past Monday (07/26/2010). Thus far I only cheated twice. On Tuesday I had a slice of sugar free chocolate cake from Karl’s German Bakery (it was the best chocolate cake I have ever had. Not too terribly sweet like most chocolate cakes). Then Wednesday I had low calorie (turkey) chili. It doesn’t sound too bad, but I am only supposed to have salads for dinner with some grilled chicken (or something with equal amount of calories). Feeling so guilty I worked out until I sprained something (Yes my back was in great pain!).

Glasses Have Arrived… My glasses finally came in yesterday. The first hour of wearing them I thought I might be hallucinating. Everything looks almost animated, having a more circle shape. Also my depth perception is completely altered. So much that I was a little afraid to drive, but thankfully I adjusted and managed. Thursday I am going to pick up my trial version contacts.

Inception… This movie intrigued me. I am quite fond of it. The details, the special effects, and the action scenes were all key aspects of the movie I loved. Antoinette and I watched this movie separately, but we both like it. However those I watched the movie all did not like it. Be warned that it is somewhat of a brainteaser. It constantly kept me on my toes.

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