Sunday, August 22, 2010


1.3 kg (3 pounds) is how much weight I lost this week! Slowly but surely making progress.

An incredible job… What would be a truly wonderful job to have (besides my dream job of being a published fiction novelist)? To be a well-paid-benefits-included-write-about-whatever-you-want professional blogger would be remarkable. Although I will admit that I am asking for a little much. Still a girl can dream.

Japanese! … Yes I am currently learning Japanese! I find this language fascinating. Thus far it has been challenging but my fascination keeps me motivated. Currently I am still learning level 1; however, it is pretty good pace for someone that started learning the language only a few days ago. Hopefully it will not be long until I am fluent in Japanese!

To Travel… Ah how I would love to travel more. Thus far I would like to visit Japan, Greece, Scotland, South Korea, France, Thailand, Germany, and Ireland. Japan being the country I am anticipating visiting the most.

The Lake… Yesterday I decided to go tubing with my family to celebrate my mother’s and my uncle’s birthday. FYI it was their 29th birthday… again.

Circled is my mother riding behind the Jet Ski.


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