Monday, July 19, 2010

Yes Again with Work...

At the moment I would have to say that I am extremely exhausted. Recently every morning I have to talk myself into going to work. Every morning I have to tell myself that I will take a nap on my lunch break and when I get off work. Basically I have to bribe myself into going to work. Plus the reminder that I have many bills to pay helps to jumpstart my morning. Still I dread it every day.

Proposal…Aside from the gloom, I have been desperately trying to make myself finish my proposal. Antoinette recently discovered that I do not need to write my entire novel before I become published. Instead I need to write a proposal to a literary agent (basically a proposal is a document expressing my ideas for a novel). If the literary agent likes my proposal he/she will take the responsibility of finding a publisher who agrees with him/her. If the publisher thinks my proposal is worth funding he/she will give me an advance (standard advance is $15,000). The advance would be to fund my novel; which makes more sense than writing it for free. The advance would be greatly beneficial because I would be able to pursue my career full time. Instead of writing only in my spare time hoping inspiration comes to me. Moreover, a standard literary agent will only take fifteen percent of the profit from my book sales.

Out and out… This week it seems almost every night I have been going out to restaurants, book stores, shoe stores, etc. Mostly it was Antoinette and I venturing out; although Également did go with us a few times. On one of our outings I bought a new pair of flats! They are exceedingly cute! They are black with lace lining the outside alongside a bow!

Daydreaming… Have you ever wanted to announce to your boss, “I dread waking up every morning because I know that I have to be here in the next 2 hours. Basically I dread waking up 5 days of the week. What am I saying? This is my last week working here.” Even typing that makes me feel completely at ease and yet giddy. It maybe Sad but it is true.

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