Sunday, July 31, 2011

Old VS. New Skincare Overview

Skincare Overview:


I found that with my old skincare routine my face had become extremely dry.  I would have to exfoliate my face everyday because it was peeling everyday. The bumps on my cheeks were practically nonexistent. However my forehead had the exact opposite reaction. My forehead has never really been a big problem area for me, but with this routine it had become worse than ever.


When choosing a new skincare line up I wanted to pick products that would be more hydrating. Which is precisely what I did. However overall the new skincare line up was too moisturizing for my skin. I am prone to blackheads around my nose and chin area, and with the new skincare line up these two areas became much worse. In addition my pores began to look much larger. Needless to say neither skincare line up was best for my skin.

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