Sunday, February 14, 2010

National Chocolate Day and Snow!

Yesterday was an interesting day. It snowed all day for the first time. It was not a small amount either. There was such a vast amount that everything had a layer of snow that coated it. It was stunning. I have only seen snow twice. Once when I was seven and my family was vacationing in the mountains. However at the time I was not allowed to go outside and touch it. Then again a couple of years it had snowed at 5:00am and melted by 7:00am. This snow day was indeed constant.

Let me say that I in general act as though I am at the age of thirty-five. Yet when I saw the vast amount of snow yesterday I felt like a child. I had a snow ball fight, wrote my name, and kicked through it with each step. I began sliding in the snow as well. It looked quite similar to Tom Cruise in risky business; Except for the fact that I was buddle up, wearing pants, and wearing my black boots. I was sliding so much that my feet finally slid a little too much causing me to fall down. Yes it hurt but it was hilarious I turned over and laughed up to my brother. At first his expression seemed to be one of shock then his expression softened as he began to laugh with me. I turned over again and figured since I was lying on the ground I might as well make a snow angel. It was truly a great day.

I found a new program to assist me with the song I am creating. I have not actually tried it yet, but I have read excellent reviews. In addition I read plenty of information about it and sound as though it might be helpful. However I could always be wrong. I hope that it will be helpful though.

The past couple of years I was beginning to think the rebellious streak in me had died. However, I found that not to be accurate. If I knew that my employers would not mind it. I would dye the shade (it is underneath the top layer of my hair) in my hair. I would not dye it just any color it would be Fifth Element red! (Yes I am very fond of the color red!) I think that one day I WILL dye it that color! It is simply a matter of time. Moreover I realized I am not a fan of authority. For some reason when I am being ordered around I am not fond of it. In addition I hate being asked questions that have already presented itself an answer. For example having your boss ask you what each shelf in your office contains when each shelf is LABLED! IRRITATING! You have eyes! Look and you will find the answer to your ridiculous question!

Aside from that… I intensified my workouts this week. Why? Well I found myself wanting to eat more. I would not want to eat just anything; it was sweets I was craving. The number one engulfing treat was CHOCOLATE! I found myself craving it uncontrollably. For breakfast I have been eating chocolate muffins and chocolate pop-tarts. That is normally my fix for the day. Though I cannot help but to constantly want it throughout the day. I try to ignore the cravings. Not much success so far; hence I have been intensifying my workout. Also today is Valentine’s Day. For me it is National Chocolate Day, everyone I know always gives me chocolate. Which I think is absolutely fantastic! Someone has already given me an entire box of my favorite chocolates! My… my… do I love National Chocolate Day! Though there is one issue that is coming between my usual celebration and me, it’s my diet!

Moreover on the subject of Valentine’s Day… My family members, coworkers, and acquaintances forever seem to ask me around this time of year if I have a boyfriend to spend Valentine’s Day with. I know none of those people will read this, but still I would like to say it. The answer is NO! It has been that answer for the past few years! It will be that answer for the next several years! Therefore STOP ASKING! Why is it my sole purpose in life to find a mate? I have thoughts, ideas, creativity, goals, and dreams! I have no time to spend on silly boys! Who will become my personal 24-hour critic! Let me say this: NO, NOPE, NAY, NEIN!

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