Tuesday, March 2, 2010

200 Pounds Beauty and Sophie's Revenge

I apologize for not posting a blog last week. I was very tired on Sunday. Monday I was sick; which became worse throughout the week. To be honest I am still sick as I write this blog. However, I feel much better today than the other days. I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me that I have a severe sinus infection. He told me that since I thought it was a cold and was treating it as such was the reason it was so severe. He also told me that I needed antibiotics or it would only become worse. Therefore I decided to have a shot and take the antibiotics.

A couple of weeks ago I watched this anime series entitled “Honey and Clover.” I found it very amusing and entertaining. There were many scenes where I found myself laughing hysterically. However, I was disappointed that only two seasons were made. Though I did find a movie that was adapted from the series; it was okay.

Recently Antoinette and I watched 200 Pounds Beauty and Sophie’s Revenge. 200 Pounds Beauty is a Korean Romantic Comedy and is utterly hilarious! Antoinette even told me that the main actor in 200 Pounds Beauty would get one baby from her. (It is an inside joke between us. Both of us would never have children, and by saying how many babies a guy would get out of her. Is stating how attractive she finds that guy). This made me positively giddy! I give the movie five stars! Sophie’s Revenge is a Chinese Romantic Comedy. It was also very entertaining and very enthusiastic! I give it also five stars! I wish I could find movies similar to these two movies!

My song writing has currently been placed on hold. This fact I very much dislike. My brain is currently on repeat stating “I need to stop wasting time and do something productive!” I have this thought every day all day. Yes I think that I am my own worst enemy. Although I suppose it is a good thing because it paranoids me until I start doing something productive. Nevertheless, I did finish a rough draft for a song, but it still needs a great deal of modifications. I guess it is some progress.

Great News… I think within the next two weeks I will be living in my new place! Yes I know it is very exciting! I will be moving to a town I have never lived in before! Moreover I will be moving in with a close friend of mine! Yes I am very excited! In addition I have a red bedroom! Looovvveee it!

I am very disappointed in myself. Why? Well I have tried to work out numerous times while I have been sick. Unfortunately, it always ends the same it only last for about five to ten minutes. Every time I experience headaches followed by nausea; which has me stopping the work out every time. Therefore I think I have gained some weight this past week. I am not sure because I have been too afraid to find out. Ignorance is bliss… sometimes.

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