Monday, March 22, 2010


Warning: The following post contains strong language.

Let me begin by saying I apologize sincerely for the language that is in this post. I tried to avoid it, but found that I could not. Last weekend I moved into my new place with Antoinette as my roommate! I really am fond of living here. Freedom!!! This being reason I did not have a post last week. I was very busy with packing, moving, and followed by unpacking (correction: Still unpacking). The only process I was not fond of was packing and unpacking. It seems to be a pointless action.

The language… I find that I am easily annoyed with people (especially customers). Customer service is a large portion of my job. It has been for five years. Since I have been working in this field for so long I try to be exceptionally nice to everyone. Moreover I feel that if I cannot help you I should to find someone who can. What do I receive in return? Lies topped with attitude sprinkled with. sarcasm and a large side of being an ass. What angers me most is that I try a great deal to help. In return I receive attitudes from sullen spoiled brats. However, some customers are an absolute delight to see. Yet I feel as though the brats overpower the delights. I am still trying to help everyone, but I feel that I am becoming a little bitter.

“If you want something done right… do it yourself” I normally do not agree with this quote. Why? Because I feel that if you are patient you can teach someone to accomplish anything. Or that is what I thought. This is not always accurate. I have been attempting to teach someone how to accomplish the most simple of tasks. I have explained one particular task so thoroughly that I am tired of hearing myself explain it. I deduce the key reason I am tired of explaining it is because every time I receive attitude. I hate hearing deep sighs. I hate hearing them especially when I am trying to explain something to you that is helpful. When you do this it makes me want to slap you! Either figure it out yourself or stop acting like a spoiled bitch!

The color of my hair is platinum blonde with a dark brown shade underneath. As you might have assumed the natural color of my hair is not blonde. The dark brown shade is in fact my natural color. Since I have been dying my hair blonde for seven years I have decided to have a change. The next time I visit my hairstylist I will tell her to dye it my natural color. Very drastic, yes, this decision has me a little nervous. It Lead me to compose a pros and cons list, pros won. The key reason being it saves money. The nervous feeling is mainly because my skin is fair, one shade darker than that of a porcelain doll. I feel that the color might wash me out.

Why do irresponsible people have children? If you cannot control the issues in your life before children; how is it an intelligent decision to have children? Who have their own issues! Today I was watching how most parents interacted with their children. They tend to ignore them almost completely, and allow them touch everything. This is convenient for me because it leads to computers crashing. Why? Because the computer monitors are nailed to the wall at a toddler’s height. In addition, it is even more unfortunate to have the computer monitors as touch screens. Therefore, it is a picnic for me every day to fix them numerous times throughout the day.

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