Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sorry I Disappeared :-(

Hi Everyone!

It has been a long time. I know most of you are still waiting on the second part of Old Skincare Line Up vs. New. I am sorry to keep you guys waiting for so long; it should be up soon. I have been swamped with work lately. Although I have an idea and would like to know what you guys think. I am contemplating having three blogs. Ambrosia would be a random blog (similar to a vlog or journal). Then my second blog would be about Makeup, Skincare, and Fashion. Lastly my third blog would be about health (cooking, diet, exercise, etc). I would love to know everyone’s comments on this! See you later! :-)

Also a few weeks ago I posted my very first video on YouTube. Check it out here: LaylaLaVae21

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