Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Beach, Writing, and Tea

Well this past week was very busy…

The Beach… This past weekend Antoinette and I went to the beach with Également, her brother, and her friend. Actually we only spent time with them on Saturday. It was an incredible day. The scenery itself was gorgeous. Preparing for this day Antoinette and I had no intention of actually swimming. We planned on seeing a movie and shopping. However, as the day progressed we decided to swim and bought swimsuits. The entire process of finding a swimsuit that fit and was on sale was difficult. (Especially finding one that was on sale for a reasonable price) The key issue was we could not (for a long period of time) find swimsuits in our sizes that were conservative. Needless to say by the end of the shopping experience our self-esteem had dropped significantly.
The Ocean…After we bought swimsuits we actually had a fantastic time. Once I was in the water I felt completely at ease. All of my doubts; all of my concerns seemed to melt away as I let the waves cascade over me. At one moment I remember sighing and saying, “I would love to stay here forever”. The sun was setting at the time casting a golden reflection onto the sea. It was quite beautiful.
Someone Likes Me… Throughout this day I noticed that someone had developed a small crush on me, Également’s brother. He had heard of me, and I had heard of him. Before this day we had never met. Since he has known me and even before, he had referred to me as his “Latino Lover”. Why? I asked the same question. It is because of my name (My real name). He said it sounds like a Latino name. Throughout the day he mostly announced his situation with other girls. Then splashed me numerous times while we were in the ocean. In addition he made compliments on my appearance, and specifically asked to ride in my car upon outings. The only idea I had that he liked me was Également. She would tell me he had said something about me. Or he had told her something to tell me. She would typically tell me these things in front of him. He would either agree or say nothing. Based on what she would mostly tell me that he said. I think he liked me, but really only wanted to get “laid”. I think this because he seemed to be upset about another girl. Maybe he wanted me to be his rebound girl. I thought that he was a nice guy, but he showed little interest in me. If I had known him over a longer period of time I might have had a date with him. However, I am sorry, but I am not a “Booty Call”. Although I still think that I could be his friend.
I have no hard feelings in any way about any of the events that took today. If it sounds as though I am angry; I am not. I am only speaking “Matter of Factly”. (BTW Factly is not an actual word, but I could not think of better phrase) I had a fantastic time, thus the reason why we went back to the beach the next day. Besides I cannot wait to spend Memorial Day weekend with them!

More Beach…On the next day Antoinette and I returned to the beach. I am not quite sure what happened, but somehow Également, her brother, and her friend lost communication with us. They were going to meet us at the park and I suppose something happened. Antoinette and I still went to the ocean and then shopped. We wore our swimsuits and I had brought a change of clothes. Antoinette did not. She did; however, wear a poncho over her swimsuit. This poncho can also be worn as a dress. As a result, when we changed she wore the dress. Later at a gas station we stopped to buy lottery tickets. (FYI she tied the straps around her back thus causing the dress to be strapless) She was standing outside the car and leaned down to grab her ID. The moment she did so her dress rolled down to her high waist, a “Girls Gone Wild” moment. I could not help laughing as I turned away. As she tried to compose herself once again she said to her breasts, “No boobies we don’t roll like that”. Thus causing me to laugh hysterically as I lowered my forehead to the steering wheel to hide my reddened face. Fortunately for her there was no one else around (except for the cashier inside the gas station). It was another fun day.

Previous Post… I forgot to mention in my previous post that I do not care for the movie Rent. Antoinette loves it, but I view the movie as some form of punishment. I consistently sigh and roll my eyes throughout the movie. It may be a good movie to some, but I typically am not fond of musicals. Consequently, I only find it frustrating and irritating. Nonetheless this is just my opinion.

My writing… I have been working on numerous novels for a long period of four years (The time span since I completed my last novel). I know I only have myself to blame for only one finished novel. Even my dentist scrutinized me for not being published yet. There is a short story contest coming up in July that I intend to enter. Hopefully I can get it together long enough to complete and perfect one of my half written short stories.

Allegria Jasmine Burst Tea… Recently I tried Allegria Jasmine Burst Tea. This tea has each pod open to reveal a fresh Jasmine blossom. The scent was so intoxicating I could not tear myself away. The beauty of flower made me hesitate to taste the tea. The taste itself was average. Everything else… only one word could Suffice: Lovely.

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