Monday, May 10, 2010

Over a Month's time...

My sincere apologizes for not writing in such a long time. The only excuse I can provide is that I had been tired and busy with work (and maybe a couple of other things).

Lets begin…
Chocolate Meltdown…I was doing pretty well for a time about not eating many sweets including my greatest downfall, chocolate. Then about three or four weeks ago catastrophe struck. Antoinette bought brownie mix and made brownies. (Sorry I forgot to mention that we typically do not keep sweets in the house.) I thought that maybe my will power would be strong and I would be able to resist the temptation of chocolate. Sadly that was not the case. While they were baking the scent of perfection was leaked into the air. I immediately wanted a piece. I began rationalizing to myself that I could have one, Only One, and then my desire to taste a brownie would be quenched. I convinced myself that I would not desire another. I was wrong, very wrong. I cut a deal with Antoinette (I asked her to help me lose weight. Therefore she helps me cut back on the amount of calories I consume in a day). The deal: In exchange for four brownies I would watch the movie Rent. (FYI I typically am not fond of musicals.) Upon tasting the first brownie I became addicted. I inhaled the other three. Thus leading to Antoinette swiftly grabbing the remainder of the brownies and hiding them. It was a sad, sad day for me.

This leads to a similar topic. Since my last post I would say that I have lost about 10 to fifteen pounds! The reason I say, “about 10 to 15” is because I cannot remember what my weight was. I have an estimate but I cannot recall what it was precisely. I have made a deal with Antoinette. The deal: If she can help me slim down to my ideal weight; I will go out into public without wearing any make up. She agreed immediately. I am very self-conscious about my face, especially without make up.

A few weeks ago I noticed that I had started complaining frequently. In addition, I began to notice that others were becoming impatient with my constant complaining. Therefore, I decided that I could only complain for 10 minutes a day. In addition, when I complained it had to be to only one person. So far I think it is working brilliantly. Optimism seems to be my point of view lately. Therefore I think that not dragging out every little thing that annoys me throughout the day helps. Finding that when I summarize the problem it does not seem as meaningful. Allowing me to forget the issue and move on.

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