Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Color Change and BB Cream

It seems that I am obliged to change. Why? The world wants me to change. Seems as though it is unavoidable. I can simply hope that someday I will be able to relax and allow my individuality to surface without any apologizes.

Back to Dark… Aside from the gloom, I dyed my hair! About a month ago my hair color was changed to its natural color. The color is a dark brown. I have received mixed reviews on the color. My parents hate it, saying that it is too dark for my skin tone. Others love it saying that it suites me. My opinion? The color shocked me at first, but after a time I began to adore it.

Memorial Day Weekend… With any luck a vacation will be in my near future. Antoinette and I had intended to go to the beach for Memorial Day weekend. We also invited Également, her brother, and her friend to go with us. However, unless a miracle happens I will not be able to join them (Funds are running low as of late). Therefore, I shall bid them farewell and wish them an incredible weekend (And yet I cross my fingers hopeful for a miracle).

“You Complete Me”… Antoinette recently posted a shout out to me stating, “You Complete Me”. Allow me to tell the story behind this phrase. Several months ago I told Antoinette, “I like that you are my friend; because when I become silent in conversations with others you speak up”. Her response was, “So what you’re saying is I complete you”. Immediately I made a noise of disgust stating, “Way to go, Antoinette, you just ruined the moment”. This resulted in her laughing heartedly.

BB Cream… A few weeks ago I purchased Innisfree Trouble Care BB Cream. The product arrived last Thursday. Before purchasing this product I researched it thoroughly. Based on my skin type, I decided to purchase it (I have acne scars and acne-prone skin). I have only used the product a few times. Although when I use the product it cuts the amount of time I spend on make up in half. The coverage is a medium; providing a natural dewy look. I have not noticed any changes to my skin yet. Though I intend to continue using the product with high hopes. Thus far I have only one dislike. The oil control could be better.

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