Sunday, September 26, 2010

Finger Avulsion

Recently I accidentally cut my finger on a glass mug. The doctor stitched the blood vessel closed because it would not stop bleeding. It is currently wrapped in a splint and gauze. In addition I was prescribed medication that have me feeling lightheaded and nauseous.  Regrettably I must apologize to everyone it will be a while before I will be able to make another post.
The first time my hand was wrapped.

The second time they wrapped my hand.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Japanese Diet ;-)

Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat … Lately I found myself reading this fascinating book. As most of you know I am presently dieting with little success. On more than one occasion I have found myself cheating. Then I read about a Japanese diet (you eat only Japanese dishes). I thought YES that would be ecstasy! So I bought the book and am currently reading it.

*Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat by Naomi Moriyama and William Doyle

It is by far nothing I expected (It is not a diet book). It is a book about how to enjoy food and be healthy at the same time. I haven’t completely immersed myself into it yet (I am waiting for payday so I can stock up on a couple of ingredients). I am even contemplating buying a bike to ride for the weekends (ONLY CONTEMPLATING).

Not leaving… Unfortunately I was persuaded into not quitting my job. Wondering why I did not finish out my two weeks as planned (especially when I find not leaving “Unfortunate”)? The answer is simple (it is a two part answer). 1. I did not have another job waiting for me. 2. Many promises were made in an effort to keep me from leaving. It was my choice to stay; therefore, why do I find it unfortunate? Thus far only 75% of the promises have been fulfilled.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Vacation with Skin79 and Pocky!

Vacation… I took a small vacation away from my diet; which lasted for four days. Yes I know that I cannot be making progress if I am taking vacations away from my diet. I was constantly cheating three days in a row. Hence the reason I took a “vacation” away from my diet that made cheating plausible. Tomorrow vacation ends and STRICT dieting and exercising will begin!

Surveys… Recently I was paid for completing a few surveys online. The forms of payment they use (the website I am subscribed to) are gift cards. The gift card I choose was Amazon! Guess what I bought? SKIN79 Super+ Perfection Beblesh Balm BB Cream!

Photo from:

It will take three to five days for the package to arrive. As soon as I am able to test it I will write a review on it. : -} About to burst from the anticipation!

Pocky Sticks… A few months ago I discovered a delicious candy/snack at the market.
Photo from:

Pocky (pronounce Pokkī) sticks! This snack is absolutely delicious! Pocky sticks come in many different flavors, although my favorite flavor (thus far) is strawberry.

If you guys ever want to know what blogs I read there is a list to the right. :-]

Friday, September 3, 2010

Japanese Food!

Two weeks notice… Surprise! I finally submitted my resignation letter. My last day will be September 10, 2010. No I do not have another job but I have two weeks to find one. This may not be the wisest decision. However I would rather it be this way than my staying there. Showing a little professionalism I will let those be my last words as to why I decided to leave the way I did.

Japanese Bento Box… A coworker of mine brought spicy tuna roll sushi to work today.

Photo from:

I immediately told myself not to ask for one (I had used all of my cheat days this week). Technically I did not ask. My coworker offered one to me. Then she offered me another and another. Before I knew it I had devoured FOUR pieces! After this I realized I had surpassed my calorie count for the day. I decided to say the Hell with it if I am already over on my count I might as well not stop now. After work I rushed to Fuji (Japanese Restaurant) and order a chicken teriyaki bento box special with ginger dressing for the salad.

Photo from:

Photo from:

Ahhh… it was pure ecstasy. For so long I had not tasted such divine Japanese food. Typically when I order this I can only eat about half before I am full. Today… No such luck… I practically inhaled all of it in less than five minutes. Delicious…



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