Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Japanese Diet ;-)

Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat … Lately I found myself reading this fascinating book. As most of you know I am presently dieting with little success. On more than one occasion I have found myself cheating. Then I read about a Japanese diet (you eat only Japanese dishes). I thought YES that would be ecstasy! So I bought the book and am currently reading it.

*Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat by Naomi Moriyama and William Doyle

It is by far nothing I expected (It is not a diet book). It is a book about how to enjoy food and be healthy at the same time. I haven’t completely immersed myself into it yet (I am waiting for payday so I can stock up on a couple of ingredients). I am even contemplating buying a bike to ride for the weekends (ONLY CONTEMPLATING).

Not leaving… Unfortunately I was persuaded into not quitting my job. Wondering why I did not finish out my two weeks as planned (especially when I find not leaving “Unfortunate”)? The answer is simple (it is a two part answer). 1. I did not have another job waiting for me. 2. Many promises were made in an effort to keep me from leaving. It was my choice to stay; therefore, why do I find it unfortunate? Thus far only 75% of the promises have been fulfilled.

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