Monday, September 6, 2010

Vacation with Skin79 and Pocky!

Vacation… I took a small vacation away from my diet; which lasted for four days. Yes I know that I cannot be making progress if I am taking vacations away from my diet. I was constantly cheating three days in a row. Hence the reason I took a “vacation” away from my diet that made cheating plausible. Tomorrow vacation ends and STRICT dieting and exercising will begin!

Surveys… Recently I was paid for completing a few surveys online. The forms of payment they use (the website I am subscribed to) are gift cards. The gift card I choose was Amazon! Guess what I bought? SKIN79 Super+ Perfection Beblesh Balm BB Cream!

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It will take three to five days for the package to arrive. As soon as I am able to test it I will write a review on it. : -} About to burst from the anticipation!

Pocky Sticks… A few months ago I discovered a delicious candy/snack at the market.
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Pocky (pronounce Pokkī) sticks! This snack is absolutely delicious! Pocky sticks come in many different flavors, although my favorite flavor (thus far) is strawberry.

If you guys ever want to know what blogs I read there is a list to the right. :-]

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