Sunday, February 27, 2011

Miso Soup with Daikon and Tofu & Snap Peas, Daikon, and Egg Soup

The First dish is Miso Soup with Daikon and Tofu. This dish was pretty good, not delicious. This I found odd because I LOVE the taste of Miso. I think Miso is absolutely delicious! Though for some reason I found it be average.

The second dish is Snap Peas, Daikon, and Egg Soup. This dish had a unique flavor; a little spicy yet somewhat sweet. I really liked this dish! I will admit I did not add the two scallions the recipe called for. The only scallions I can find are still the pickled ones; which I am not fond of.

If anyone would like the recipes for these dishes just leave a comment or email me at Or you can buy the book Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat. The dishes I prepare are from that book.

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