Thursday, February 3, 2011


Quick Update...

New Contacts… The first pair of trial version contacts was Soflens. I visited the optometrist Tuesday and he gave me a new pair to try. With Soflens my eyes felt really dry and they would constantly go in and out of focus (I am not saying this brand is the same with everyone). The new brand is Optix. They are incredible! I wore them all day today and yesterday! With the Soflens I could only wear them for few hours before they became unbearable! My optometrist thought (at first) that because of my severe astigmatism I would find all contacts unbearable. He went onto saying that less than 20% with my prescription have had success with contacts. However once he looked closer he saw that I had matter in both of my eyes. At that time he decided to let me try the Optix brand.

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