Monday, November 29, 2010

Can You Guess?

Can anyone geuss what dish this is?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Perfumes Galore

Friday my skincare order from Amazon arrived! I ordered a HABA sample set. Apparently sells through Amazon; which I think is fantastic! So I guess I actually placed the order with I only paid for the HABA sample set. Instead I received a maeda-en sencha green tea bag, and seven other sample packets (besides the HABA sample set I purchased)! I will have reviews in the future on these products.
Perfumes… Recently I read an article about perfumes. Basically the article said that the perfumes you like tend to have a consistent ingredient (scent). I thought this to be false. Some perfumes I have liked (and used) in the past are completely different to perfumes I have used recently. However I could be wrong. I will let you be the judge.

Perfumes are listed from the first I have used to the more recent.

1. Clinique Happy
Photo from:

2. Still by Jennifer Lopez
Photo from:

3. Curious by Britney Spears
Photo from:

4. Fantasy by Britney Spears
 Photo from:

5. Midnight Fantasy by Britney Spears
Photo from:

6. Ralph Lauren Hot
Photo from:

7.Harajuku Lovers G
Photo From:

8. Couture Couture by Juicy Couture
Photo from:

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lioele Blackhead Clear Nose Treatment Patch

Thursday my order from Pretty and Cute arrived! I immediately decided to try one of the masks! The mask I tried was Lioele Blackhead Clear Nose Treatment Patch.

                                                                              If you look closely you can see the blackheads.


It looks like there is some improvement, but I think it is just the lighting. I could not see a difference. Maybe this is something you have to repeat every night to see improvement.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Falsie Failure

This post was supposed to be about my successful application of false eyelashes. I had bought a pair of false eyelashes a couple of months ago and forgot about them. I finally decided to try them tonight. For those of you who don’t know I have never successfully applied false eyelashes before. However tonight I thought the application would be successful! I have been watching tutorials about how to apply falsies effectively. The outcome?
    One hundred percent complete failure, I tried applying them with tweezers and my fingers, but the lash kept sticking (to the tweezers and my fingers)! Finally when I was able to partially attach one it was too far to the right. Thus having to remove it and attempt to attach it again. My real eyelashes began to clump and stick to my eyelid because the adhesive from the falsies began dripping onto my real eyelashes. Once this happened I decided to remove the adhesive from my lashes. It was such a long and painful (I had to exfoliate my eyelid to remove the adhesive. Nothing else would remove it) process that after it was removed I decided to give up for now.
    Key factors why I think it was unsuccessful: I had already applied mascara to my eyelashes (my real eyelashes). I had purchased the cheapest pair of eyelashes and adhesive I could find (sometimes cheaper products do not always have the best quality). Since it was the end of the day I did not have a lot of patience for error.

Eyes… I took a few pictures of my eyes for the before and after application of the false eyelashes. I only have before pictures since there was not a successful after. Instead I have decided to show you guys the before and after (with and without) makeup. Judging by how my lashes are extended with makeup; could wearing make-up be sole reason why the falsies were unsuccessful?

With Make-Up

      Sorry about the lighting and focus. Please pay no attention to the bags under my eyes.

Without Make-Up

       Sorry about the lighting and focus again. The area around the eye is still red from the exfoliation.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ranting Again... Sorry

Is it allowed for an employer to actually tell you “do not be yourself”? I think saying this to an employee could be breaking a rule or something. I am not sure; I could be wrong. Furthermore, is there not a service or something preventing an employer from miss-treating their employees? For some reason I was under the assumption something like that existed. Apparently not because the environment I work in allows an employer to belittle, “power trip”, and insult their employees on a regular basis. I suppose I could just be ranting.

    I dread going to work more and more everyday. I would submit my resignation again, but with the economy it seems almost impossible to do so. I have been looking for months and… nothing. The entire process is frustrating.

Pretty and Cute… Yesterday I purchased 6 masks from! I bought one Collagen Crystal Eye Mask Pink, one So Hot! Peach Mask, one Collagen Crystal Eye Mask Clear, one Japanese Natural Tofu Mask, one Acne Mask, and one Lioele Blackhead Clear Nose Treatment Patch. As soon as the order comes in I will be sure to write a review about each mask! :-)!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

To Be With or Not?

What do you ask for in a relationship? I think most people ask for honesty or trust. These are key factors for a relationship to work, and I as much as anyone ask for honesty. However the one thing I hold above all else is Acceptance. I ask others to accept me as I am, and to not try to change me. Some of you may think this is too much to ask for. In some cases it is. However I am very open-minded and mostly do not mind trying something new. Nevertheless I do not like to be scrutinized for not liking something I have tried before.

Thoughts on Relationships… Someone recently asked me my thoughts on relationships and when you should stay or not stay in one. At that time I really did not want to discuss it. Instead I changed the subject; afraid of what the other person might think about what I had to say. On the other hand in my blog I can say exactly what I think. In a relationship someone should like you for who you are. They should never look at you and see what they want you to be. You should never change what clothes you wear, what you like, or how you wear your make-up for anyone (Especially if they are asking you to change everything about yourself and are not willing to change anything about themselves). The only person you should change for should be yourself. Do not let others push you around or be cruel to you. If you ever let someone do this (even just once) they will think they can do this to you all the time. You should never be in a relationship where the other person has control (or tries to have control) over you. Those people do not want a relationship with you. They want a pet. Furthermore never allow someone’s kindness to be an excuse for his or her cruelty; Always be honest to yourself.

Finger... My finger seems to have almost made a full recovery. The only issue remaining is the area is still very sensitive.
Right middle finger was the one that was cut. Circled is the section that was lost.

See the difference?

Left middle finger. Circled is the section that was lost on the right middle finger.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Weight with Money

Unfortunately I am still sick. Although I think my health is improving. For example: my voice sounds much better (almost back to normal).

Weight in Money… This past weekend I moved back in with my parents. I moved into the upstairs room instead of my old bedroom (Secretly hoping that running up and down stairs everyday will help me lose weight). Since I am on the subject of weight my father recently told me that I needed to work out more. He went on to saying the reason why I need to work out more is “because you look like you are packing on a couple pounds”. Is not that very generous of him to point out a flaw that I look at every day (please disregard the sarcasm)? I know most of you are probably wondering what happened to eating home-style Japanese cooking. Well I have not shopped for groceries in a long time (blame it on the money issue) thus I eat my mother’s cooking. What is wrong with her cooking? Well nothing if you are only judging flavor. However it is not very healthy for you. She loves to cook with real butter and fry almost everything. Also desert is served with every meal to ensure you gain weight. Hopefully the next payday will be enough to pay for groceries I need. Also there are a few ingredients I will have to order online. Since the closest Japanese supermarket is four hours away.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I absolutely Loathe being sick! I also understand that everyone hates being sick, but I must express my frustration for this sickness! Today I wore a mask to prevent others from catching my sickness. Many of my coworkers said that it was very thoughtful of me to do so. I will admit it was uncomfortable. Since every time I would let out a breath my glasses would fog up.

Stats… Recently I discovered the stats option that blogger offers. I found that the post that has had the most views was the post entitled Topic to Topic. Re-reading this post I could not fathom why. It is not over fascinating or shocking. It could be the word choice that is used throughout the post. If any of you would like to read Topic to Topic. It is listed under popular posts on the right sidebar.

Sorry about the glare. I could not remove it.

In addition please feel free to leave comments! I will do my best to reply to all!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sickness :-(

Friday of last week was not as bad as Thursday of last week. Although I will say that the day was pretty much depressing. Two reasons Friday was better than Thursday: 1. The staff was allowed to dress in costumes for the celebration of Halloween (I was a hippie!). 2. I did not have to work late that night (as you may have guessed I typically work late on Fridays). Those where the only two reasons Friday was a little less depressing than Thursday.

Sick… Yes it is true, I am sick. Last night Antoinette and I went to the Carnival! Unfortunately it was misting the majority of the night. In addition it was raining on and off for about an hour. It did not matter! We still had a very good time! Consequently, this morning I awoke with a fever and a very sore throat. Not to mention the coughing and nasal congestion is pretty bad too. Thus I was unable to go to work today (I still have every intention of returning tomorrow! I will just wear a mask).

Photo from:



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