Thursday, November 4, 2010


I absolutely Loathe being sick! I also understand that everyone hates being sick, but I must express my frustration for this sickness! Today I wore a mask to prevent others from catching my sickness. Many of my coworkers said that it was very thoughtful of me to do so. I will admit it was uncomfortable. Since every time I would let out a breath my glasses would fog up.

Stats… Recently I discovered the stats option that blogger offers. I found that the post that has had the most views was the post entitled Topic to Topic. Re-reading this post I could not fathom why. It is not over fascinating or shocking. It could be the word choice that is used throughout the post. If any of you would like to read Topic to Topic. It is listed under popular posts on the right sidebar.

Sorry about the glare. I could not remove it.

In addition please feel free to leave comments! I will do my best to reply to all!

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