Saturday, November 13, 2010

To Be With or Not?

What do you ask for in a relationship? I think most people ask for honesty or trust. These are key factors for a relationship to work, and I as much as anyone ask for honesty. However the one thing I hold above all else is Acceptance. I ask others to accept me as I am, and to not try to change me. Some of you may think this is too much to ask for. In some cases it is. However I am very open-minded and mostly do not mind trying something new. Nevertheless I do not like to be scrutinized for not liking something I have tried before.

Thoughts on Relationships… Someone recently asked me my thoughts on relationships and when you should stay or not stay in one. At that time I really did not want to discuss it. Instead I changed the subject; afraid of what the other person might think about what I had to say. On the other hand in my blog I can say exactly what I think. In a relationship someone should like you for who you are. They should never look at you and see what they want you to be. You should never change what clothes you wear, what you like, or how you wear your make-up for anyone (Especially if they are asking you to change everything about yourself and are not willing to change anything about themselves). The only person you should change for should be yourself. Do not let others push you around or be cruel to you. If you ever let someone do this (even just once) they will think they can do this to you all the time. You should never be in a relationship where the other person has control (or tries to have control) over you. Those people do not want a relationship with you. They want a pet. Furthermore never allow someone’s kindness to be an excuse for his or her cruelty; Always be honest to yourself.

Finger... My finger seems to have almost made a full recovery. The only issue remaining is the area is still very sensitive.
Right middle finger was the one that was cut. Circled is the section that was lost.

See the difference?

Left middle finger. Circled is the section that was lost on the right middle finger.

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