Thursday, November 11, 2010

Weight with Money

Unfortunately I am still sick. Although I think my health is improving. For example: my voice sounds much better (almost back to normal).

Weight in Money… This past weekend I moved back in with my parents. I moved into the upstairs room instead of my old bedroom (Secretly hoping that running up and down stairs everyday will help me lose weight). Since I am on the subject of weight my father recently told me that I needed to work out more. He went on to saying the reason why I need to work out more is “because you look like you are packing on a couple pounds”. Is not that very generous of him to point out a flaw that I look at every day (please disregard the sarcasm)? I know most of you are probably wondering what happened to eating home-style Japanese cooking. Well I have not shopped for groceries in a long time (blame it on the money issue) thus I eat my mother’s cooking. What is wrong with her cooking? Well nothing if you are only judging flavor. However it is not very healthy for you. She loves to cook with real butter and fry almost everything. Also desert is served with every meal to ensure you gain weight. Hopefully the next payday will be enough to pay for groceries I need. Also there are a few ingredients I will have to order online. Since the closest Japanese supermarket is four hours away.

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