Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Falsie Failure

This post was supposed to be about my successful application of false eyelashes. I had bought a pair of false eyelashes a couple of months ago and forgot about them. I finally decided to try them tonight. For those of you who don’t know I have never successfully applied false eyelashes before. However tonight I thought the application would be successful! I have been watching tutorials about how to apply falsies effectively. The outcome?
    One hundred percent complete failure, I tried applying them with tweezers and my fingers, but the lash kept sticking (to the tweezers and my fingers)! Finally when I was able to partially attach one it was too far to the right. Thus having to remove it and attempt to attach it again. My real eyelashes began to clump and stick to my eyelid because the adhesive from the falsies began dripping onto my real eyelashes. Once this happened I decided to remove the adhesive from my lashes. It was such a long and painful (I had to exfoliate my eyelid to remove the adhesive. Nothing else would remove it) process that after it was removed I decided to give up for now.
    Key factors why I think it was unsuccessful: I had already applied mascara to my eyelashes (my real eyelashes). I had purchased the cheapest pair of eyelashes and adhesive I could find (sometimes cheaper products do not always have the best quality). Since it was the end of the day I did not have a lot of patience for error.

Eyes… I took a few pictures of my eyes for the before and after application of the false eyelashes. I only have before pictures since there was not a successful after. Instead I have decided to show you guys the before and after (with and without) makeup. Judging by how my lashes are extended with makeup; could wearing make-up be sole reason why the falsies were unsuccessful?

With Make-Up

      Sorry about the lighting and focus. Please pay no attention to the bags under my eyes.

Without Make-Up

       Sorry about the lighting and focus again. The area around the eye is still red from the exfoliation.

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