Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Fix Your Glasses!

The night before Christmas Eve a screw that connects the End pieces (Extensions of the frame front to which the temples are attached) to the Temples (Parts of the frame that extend over and/or behind the ears to help hold the frame in place) fell out. Being as blind as I am, once I found the small screw I placed it on my nightstand and went to bed (knowing there was no reason to fix it that night).

The next day my mother and my brother attempted to fix them. However was unable to do so (they said that the hinges were not matching). Instead I drove to Vision Care to have the lady at the front counter basically tell me to have a Happy (BLIND!) Christmas. Afterwards I went home and put on a pair of eyeglasses that were not my prescription (too strong). I took a staple straightened it and inserted it where the screw had been and viola they were back to normal. It has been four days and the staple is still in place!

Christmas Cake… The Christmas cake I made was good! The only issue was that I had to order Kirsch Brandy online and they told me (a little too late) that they were out of stock of that item. Since absolutely none of the stores in my state sell this specific brandy I had to improvise. Instead I used Crown Royal (Kirsch was a key ingredient for the soaking syrup). I was very afraid that the flavor would leave the cake tasting odd. However that was not the case. It was fantastic! I absolutely loved it as well as most of my family!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Merry Christmas!

Wednesday I had an encounter that ruined several hours of my day. The witch was back on her Broom at work! However that day I stood up for myself! My direct supervisor (also the witch’s supervisor) told me he was proud of me for doing that! Then he had a few harsh words to say to her. I told him that if it happened again (it has happened many times before) that I would report the witch. What she is doing is harassment and bullying in the workplace and I will not be a bug underneath her heel anymore!

OOOKKK I feel better now.

H-A-P-P-Y HOLIDAYS… Tomorrow is Christmas! YAY! I am so excited! Santa came to my work last week. I told him I wanted a 26” Huffy Women’s Cruiser Bike for Christmas! He asked the question he normally does, “Have you been good this year?” My smile disappeared as I quickly exclaimed, “I can explain everything! I have had a rough year!” He chuckled heartily as he walked away. I have a feeling I am not getting the bike.

Merry Christmas to All!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just a Toothache...

Just a quick update…

Yesterday I went to the dentist’s office and received very bad news. One of my wisdom teeth (yes I kept all of my wisdom teeth) has an apse under the root. It is disgusting I know. My teeth are very prone to cavities (although you would not know by looking at them). Looking from the outside in my teeth look great. They are straight, white, and the gums look healthy. However the sad truth is my doctor (dentist) thinks that I may have a disease that makes my teeth brittle and more susceptible to cavities. YIKES! I hope I do not! He worked on three of my teeth yesterday and scrutinized me about each one. It is not confirmed if I have the disease or not. Although my doctor has forbade me from having any sugar including drinks that have sugar. I think I may have a breakdown…

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yesterday I had my hair cut, styled, and dyed! I decided to pick the first choice! I thought it was very fun and cute, and that was the look I wanted!

It looks as though it has a blue tint, but I can assure you it does not! The flash was on; which made it look blue. 

Sample Review… Recently I tried the Eye Moist Jell sample. I applied this product before applying makeup (as instructed). It is suppose to keep your eyes moisturized all day; which it did. However it seemed after a short period of time they felt oily. So I would say it really wasn’t a great product for me.

Happy Holidays… Lately I have been exceptionally busy buying gifts for everyone. So I apologize for not posting as much as usual. The entire gift buying process is enjoyable yet exhausting. In addition I recently heard about this website called Gmarket. G-dragon is the spokesperson for the website and even wrote a song for the website! It is entitled “Gmarket Party”. If you would like to listen to the song I currently have it on my playlist, which is located in the right side bar. This website is amazing (although I have not purchased anything from it yet L). I say it is amazing because it has all the latest Korean, Japanese, and other products (Electronics, Makeup, Skin Care, Clothing, Jewelry, Food, Books, etc)! However since I have spent all of my money on gifts for the Holidays I am unable to buy anything else. I will just have to wait until the next payday!  Here is the link for Gmarket (In English): http://english.gmarket.co.kr/

Next week I am making a Christmas Cake (Crème Cake) for the first time! Cooking with Dog has a video (YouTube) showing how to make a Christmas Cake step by step. I will let you guys know how it tastes!

If any of you would also like to make a Christmas Cake you can click on the link below.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

新しいヘアスタイルとレビュー (A New Hairstyle and Reviews!)

I have a hair appointment set for this Saturday! Finally I am going to have my hair dyed, styled, and cut once again! So far I have three choices in mind. This is the color I am going to dye it.

Photo From: http://www.colourlovers.com/fashion/blog/2007/12/18/hair-color-a-history-of-folicle-hue-adjusting

Style and Cut Choices

First Choice:

Second Choice:

Third Choice:

Which one is your favorite?

Sample Reviews… First I will admit I have not tried the entire sample set yet. However I will gladly share my reviews of the products I have tried. Lets begin with Moisturizing Shampoo and Condition/Treatment. The conditioner worked brilliantly I loved the scent and it really seemed to improve my hair. My hair tends to be a little dry and on this day it look unbelievably soft. I will definitely buy this product in the near future. However I was not that impressed by the Shampoo. I started with about a quarter size amount of shampoo (as instructed) to lather my hair. It only lathered a little. So my assumption was that I needed more (my guess being that I have long hair hence needing more). Although after it not lathering well the second time I decided to use the entire sample pack (which was triple the recommended amount). Yet still it did not lather well. I think it is safe to say it was a great disappointment.

Face Care Set: Facial Cleansing Foam and Moisture Cream: I absolutely adored these products! The cleansing foam was so thick and smooth! A little really goes a long way with this product. In addition it did not dry out my skin (facial cleansing products tend to dry out my skin). The moisture cream was even better! It is probably my favorite product out of the entire sample set! I rarely moisturize my skin since I have combination/oily skin. Therefore when I moisturize my skin it becomes severely oily within minutes. However with this product no such thing happened! It kept everything at a nice moisture balance! I love it!

Makeup Remover: This product is definitely my least favorite out of the set. It felt as though I was applying pure canola oil to my face (Greasy Greasy Greasy!). A feeling I absolutely loathe! It did not remove all of my makeup (Stating that it could remove eye makeup as well). To be honest I think it removed as much makeup as water by itself could.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sample Ingredients

Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner/Treatment Ingredients:

Face Care Set: Facial Cleansing Foam and Moisture Cream Ingredients:

Face Care Set: Facial Cleansing Foam and Moisture Cream Ingredients Continued:

Eye Moist Jell Ingredients:

Eye Moist Jell Ingredients Continued:

Skin Lotion/Toner Ingredients:

Skin Lotion/Toner Ingredients Continued:

Makeup Remover Ingredients:

Makeup Remover Ingredients Continued:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sample Info!

Face Care Set: Facial Cleansing Foam & Moisture Cream

Details: “You will not experience the dryness with the Cleansing Foam that often accompanies other products. You may notice a slightly pink glow to your skin, as the blood circulation increases – this is normal and will subside. The moisture cream will absorb readily, leaving no oily residue to the pores. This makes it perfect for warm weather, or use after a workout. Restores balance to patch skin, smoothes texture.”

For Best Results: “Rinse face with warm water. Emulsify a pea-sized droop of cleansing foam in your palm with water, and gently massage into face. Rinse thoroughly with warm, then cold water. Pat dry and apply small amount of Moisture Cream and/or Eye Jell. Wash face”

Skin Care Body Cream

Details: “Once again, rice bran’s superior exfoliating properties go to work to smooth elbows, knees, hands, and feet – while moisturizing and healing rough skin. Great for after shaving, and gentle enough for baby’s diaper area”
For Best Results: “Apply to any area of the body that needs a little extra softening care. Massage into skin. Can be used morning or night.”

Premium Hair Care Set: Moisturizing Shampoo & Conditioner/Treatment

Details: “Deep clean without stripping nutrients, and return needed minerals and emollients to your hair follicles. Your hair will feel clean after one use, and the texture will soften even before conditioner is added. Loyal users report less breakage from blow-drying, higher sheen, smoother texture.”
For Best Results: “Apply a small amount of Shampoo to damp hair. Massage into scalp and to ends of hair strands. Rinse, squeeze dry and apply a small dollop of Hair Conditioner, massaging thoroughly. Wait 3 minutes and rinse. Hair Treatment can be used as often as you wash your hair. Rinses clean, with no residue or buildup.”

Makeup Remover

Details: “Komenuka Bijin Makeup Remover contains rice bran oil and olive oil, famous for their deep cleaning and moisturizing properties. You will improve your skin’s health while gently removing makeup.”
For Best Results: Massage a small amount into face, including eye area. Rinse with warm water, and follow with a splash of cool water before you pat dry.”

“Careful not to get any formula in your eyes, but if you do, just rinse with warm water.”

Essence Whitening Cream

Details: “In addition to sake yeast, Essence Whitening Cream contains mulberry bark extract, an anti-inflammatory agent that naturally lightens discoloration from aging, sun damage and other effects. Rich in vitamins A, B1, and B2 and non acidic.”
For Best Results: “Smooth a few drops over your entire face after cleansing. Useful as part of a complete daily regimen using Komenuka Bijin rice bran formulas.”

Eye Moist Jell

Details: “Eye Moist Jell contains pure emollients and sake yeast, an extremely potent collagen stimulant. The decrease in collagen shows up most dramatically in the “laugh lines” around the eyes and mouth. Eye Moist Jell targets these areas effectively.”
For Best Results: “Wash face with Komenuka Bijin facial cleansing foam or powder. Pat dry. Dab one or two “pumps” of jell gently around the entire eye, in the corners of nose and mouth. Jell goes on clear non-greasy, and non-sticky and is absorbed quickly as needed. Apply UV protection, moisture cream and makeup as normal.”

Skin Lotion/Toner

Details: “Skin Lotion/Toner does not contain alcohol, camphor, or menthol like other traditional “astringent” lotions. These ingredients can rob your skin of greatly needed moisture. Skin Lotion/Toner softens and heals without drying, preparing you skin for moisture, makeup or nothing at all.”
For Best Results: “Wash face with Komenuka Bijin Facial Cleansing Foam (4001) or powder (4008). Pat dry. Apply Skin Lotion/Toner with a soft cotton pad. Follow with Komenuka Bijin Moisture Cream (4002).”

Sample Preview

Have any of you purchased these products before?

I will have more details (and some reviews) about these samples and more in my next post.
Until next time ;-)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gifts and Decorations...

Birthday Gifts:

                                                                    The coffee cup a coworker bought for me.

The coffee a coworker of mine bought for me.

                                                                      The video game my brother gave me.

                                                                           The Pajamas my parents bought me.

                                Vanilla Bean Noel lotion and earbud headphones my parents bought me.

Close up of the earbud headphones.

More Holiday Decorations:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

今日は私の誕生日である So Let's Celebrate!

Happy Birthday to Me! 今日は私の誕生日である! Finally I am 22 years old! 私の第22誕生日! What gifts did I receive? A coworker of mine bought me A bag of Starbucks coffee beans, A coffee bean grinder, A large (and cute) coffee mug, and a bag of Dove (my favorite) dark chocolates. My Parents bought me a pair of pajama pants, Vanilla Bean Noel body lotion, and a pair of cute earphones (the earphones has blue silver flowers on them!). My brother bought me Tomb Raider Underworld! My birthday cake was an Oreo ice cream cake! It was a wonderful day.

Christmas… As promised here is a picture of our tree!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Carrot, Daikon, and Tofu

A friend of mine came to visit this weekend. We watched the movies Due Date and Faster. I think they both are really great movies! Although I will say Due Date had a few scenes that made me feel nauseous. However it was still a very funny movie. Faster was really good too. I could not help but to notice that Dwayne Johnson has doubled in size. He has always been very built, but in this movie he is HUGE! It looks as though he worked out everyday for six months!

Carrot, Daikon, and Tofu Dish… Sunday I decided to cook my friend and I a Japanese dish. I choose to cook a Carrot and Tofu dish. I did not have many carrots so I decided to add Daikon. I thought it was delicious and my friend agreed!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's Beginning To Look Like A Lot Like Christmas!

The dish in the previous post was Hijiki Vegetable and Fried Tofu. Well it was more my attempt at making Hijiki Vegetable and Fried Tofu. To be honest it was not the best dish I have ever tasted. I know I cannot blame the flavor of the dish because I am not sure if I cooked it properly. You live you learn I guess.

Why do you say goodbye I say hello… Yes it is a line from the song Hello Goodbye by the Beatles. Why do you say goodbye? Some people say goodbye in anger; some say it in sadness. Few say it with joy; some say it in mutual understanding. Whenever you have to say it say it with confidence. You should have confidence in yourself that you made the right decision. Always remember that when you do say goodbye it is eventually followed by hello.

Happy Holidays… Finally it is the most wonderful time of the year (sorry I could not resist). Every night I have been helping my mother decorate for the holiday! Everything looks so beautiful. I promise to post pictures soon!



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