Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's Beginning To Look Like A Lot Like Christmas!

The dish in the previous post was Hijiki Vegetable and Fried Tofu. Well it was more my attempt at making Hijiki Vegetable and Fried Tofu. To be honest it was not the best dish I have ever tasted. I know I cannot blame the flavor of the dish because I am not sure if I cooked it properly. You live you learn I guess.

Why do you say goodbye I say hello… Yes it is a line from the song Hello Goodbye by the Beatles. Why do you say goodbye? Some people say goodbye in anger; some say it in sadness. Few say it with joy; some say it in mutual understanding. Whenever you have to say it say it with confidence. You should have confidence in yourself that you made the right decision. Always remember that when you do say goodbye it is eventually followed by hello.

Happy Holidays… Finally it is the most wonderful time of the year (sorry I could not resist). Every night I have been helping my mother decorate for the holiday! Everything looks so beautiful. I promise to post pictures soon!

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