Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just a Toothache...

Just a quick update…

Yesterday I went to the dentist’s office and received very bad news. One of my wisdom teeth (yes I kept all of my wisdom teeth) has an apse under the root. It is disgusting I know. My teeth are very prone to cavities (although you would not know by looking at them). Looking from the outside in my teeth look great. They are straight, white, and the gums look healthy. However the sad truth is my doctor (dentist) thinks that I may have a disease that makes my teeth brittle and more susceptible to cavities. YIKES! I hope I do not! He worked on three of my teeth yesterday and scrutinized me about each one. It is not confirmed if I have the disease or not. Although my doctor has forbade me from having any sugar including drinks that have sugar. I think I may have a breakdown…

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