Monday, December 6, 2010

Carrot, Daikon, and Tofu

A friend of mine came to visit this weekend. We watched the movies Due Date and Faster. I think they both are really great movies! Although I will say Due Date had a few scenes that made me feel nauseous. However it was still a very funny movie. Faster was really good too. I could not help but to notice that Dwayne Johnson has doubled in size. He has always been very built, but in this movie he is HUGE! It looks as though he worked out everyday for six months!

Carrot, Daikon, and Tofu Dish… Sunday I decided to cook my friend and I a Japanese dish. I choose to cook a Carrot and Tofu dish. I did not have many carrots so I decided to add Daikon. I thought it was delicious and my friend agreed!

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